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When planning a vacation on the Azov Sea, one cannot but focus on the city of Taman. It has a rich history, the tourism and recreation industry is quite well developed in Taman. In 2008, on September 4, the city of Taman celebrated its 2600th anniversary. For such a long period of time Taman was under the influence of different civilizations - Polovtsian, Turkish, Khazar. It was from Taman that the development of the Kuban began. It will not be difficult to get to Taman, there are several options - by car, by plane or by train to Anapa, if you are traveling by public transport, and from there you can travel to Taman by bus - the distance is short, only 75 km.
The range of Taman attractions for a great pastime is quite wide. For example, the Ataman ethnographic center should be singled out, which is engaged in the reconstruction of the life of the Kuban Cossacks at a fairly high level. Also in Taman there are three museums of the museum - archaeological, Lermontov and wine museum. In the vicinity of Taman there is a large number of mud therapeutic volcanoes, but more on that later.
Living in Taman will not be a problem - there should be no problems regarding renting housing in Taman. The range of proposed options is quite wide, as in any other major resort town, from guest and private houses to hotels, recreation centers and boarding houses. The level of housing offered directly depends on its cost. It is important to understand what your needs are in a particular housing, and what your style of vacation will be - a civilized vacation or a vacation from civilization. The main criteria that characterize the level of housing may be the following - the availability of WI-FI, satellite TV, the distance to the beach or the sea, the availability of own parking, even a private beach, a conference room, etc.
The Azov beaches on Taman are sandy, in some places there are wild beaches, with a rocky coast, and a beautiful relief, which forms quite picturesque views. People who want to improve their health on a trip to Azov Sea should visit the mud volcanoes mentioned above. The temperature of the mud in the volcanoes is about 20-25 °С, but you should not forget about certain points associated with swimming - you need to stay there for no more than 15 minutes, it is forbidden to dive and show excessive activity.
Tourists visiting Taman should sometimes take a break from the Azov Sea itself and just take a walk around the city or its surroundings - there are many historical places in Taman that are interesting to visit. In Taman there is also a memorial to the memory of the Great Patriotic War, a monument to the Taman Cossacks. Also in Taman there is the Church of the Intercession, which was built by Zaporozhye Cossacks in 1793. The church is located in the center of Taman, nearby the guests of the city can see the Lermontov's house-museum, where the writer lived and worked. It is noteworthy that it was here that his novel "A Hero of Our Time" was written. Tourists who have a special passion for literature may be interested in various literary events dedicated to the work of the poet. The Archaeological Museum in Taman is a branch of the Krasnodar Archaeological Museum. Various exhibits, monuments of culture, everyday life and religious exhibits representing the natural and historical processes of the region are collected here.
In general, Taman is a fairly respectable region on the coast of the Azov Sea. Vacationers who visit these places are provided with a lot of impressions, restoring health, in a word, a good rest on the Azov Sea.
Volcano Karabetova Sopka, or Karabetka, is clearly visible if you drive along the road to Taman, Karabetova Sopka is known as the largest active volcano on the Taman Peninsula, on the Azov Sea.
Weather in Taman at the moment and weather forecast in Taman for the next few days - air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction.