Rest on the Azov Sea
Summer Holidays on the Azov Sea
Recreation on the Azov Sea has always attracted numerous tourists, since the Azov Sea has always been associated with resorts where you can have a good rest in the summer with children. It is the rest on the Azov Sea with children that is usually the main reason why it was decided to spend your summer vacation not anywhere else, but in the resorts of the Azov Sea. In addition to relaxing with children in Azov, there are many reasons both to relax on the Azov Sea in the summer, and the opportunities that The Azov Sea provides for summer holidays.
Climate of the Azov Sea
One of the factors that inclines in favor of choosing a place for a summer holiday is the climate of the Azov Sea and the weather on the Azov Sea. Unlike most seaside resorts, vacationers who get to the Azov Sea are not subject to a sharp change in natural factors, so there is practically no period of acclimatization on the coast of the Azov Sea. Thanks to this, you can fully devote your summer vacation to relaxing on the Azov Sea, and not waste time getting used to the climate in the resort. Due to the temperate climate of the resorts of the Azov Sea, they are popular with lovers of family vacations with children at sea.
Sandy Beaches of the Azov Sea
Another factor that attracts many vacationers to the Azov Sea every summer is sandy beaches. On the entire coast of the Azov Sea there are no beaches with stones or pebbles, on the Azov Sea the beaches are exclusively sandy, with a small admixture of shells. Naturally, not the entire coast of the Azov Sea is beaches, but, thanks to the huge number of good beaches, find a convenient place for rest on the Azov Sea won't be difficult. With the presence of sandy beaches on Azov, its depth near the coast is successfully combined - usually the depth is not great near the coast, which is another reason to decide to relax here with children. But do not think that all the beaches of the Azov Sea are very small - if you choose the right place to relax, you can choose the beach to your liking.
Rest on One of the Sea Spits
There is one more feature of the Azov Sea, which significantly distinguishes it from many other seas and influences recreation on its coast - a large number of large sand spits, protruding far into the open sea. Almost the entire coast of the Azov Sea is a series of sandy spits and bays formed by them. In terms of recreation on the Azov Sea, spits are more preferable when it comes to the quality of beaches and sea water. The beaches and water in the Azov Sea on the spits are much cleaner than on the coast or in the bays. The disadvantage of relaxing on the spit may be the lack of opportunities for cultural recreation, but this is more than offset by the quality of recreation on the beaches of the Azov Sea. An intermediate option is possible - living in a city on the seashore, and trips to the nearest spit to the beaches, as an example of such a vacation, Berdyansk and Berdyansk spit can be cited.
Choosing a Holiday Resort on the Azov Sea
If you plan your summer vacation on the Azov Sea, you should decide in advance in what conditions you want to spend your vacation. There are many resorts on Azov, and almost all of them provide an opportunity for summer holidays, but both the sea and beaches, as well as living conditions and pastime opportunities at various resorts of the Azov Sea are significantly different. Financial costs in different regions and cities of the Azov Sea can also differ significantly - from very cheap seaside holidays to VIP conditions. In any case, it is better to study in advance the opportunities provided by the various resorts of the Azov Sea, and even at home decide what suits you best, and then go on vacation to the Azov Sea.