H: +9°
L: +5°
Wednesday, 08 March
See 7-Day Forecast
Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue |
+9° | +7° | +9° | +8° | +7° | +7° |
+6° | +6° | +6° | +4° | +3° | +4° |
Weather in Berdyansk now and the weather forecast for the next week - information about air temperature, atmospheric pressure and wind direction in Berdyansk and on the Berdyansk Spit. The weather and climate of Berdyansk, as well as the weather of the entire northern coast of the Azov Sea, are due to a combination of dry steppe climate in the southeast of Ukraine, a large number of sunny days and moist sea air saturated with iodine and bromine vapors. All these factors form the unique climatic conditions of the region Berdyansk and Berdyansk Spit.