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Weather in Kirillovka

Weather in Kirillovka on the Azov Sea
H: +
L: -1°
Tuesday, 14 March
See 7-Day Forecast
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
+11° +13° + + + +
+ + + + + +

Weather in Kirillovka, on Fedotova Spit and Spit Peresyp today and weather forecast in Kirillovka for a week ahead. Kirillovka is located in a unique place - recreational facilities in Kirillovka are located on two spits of the Azov Sea at once - on Fedotova Spit and Peresyp Spit (not to be confused with settlement Peresip). In turn, these spits are washed by the Azov Sea on the one hand, and on the other hand, by the Utlyuk and Molochny estuaries. This location of Kirillovka has led to the fact that the weather on the Azov Sea has the maximum impact on the weather in Kirillovka, while the influence of mainland weather is practically is not felt.